For a fast answer to your query, why not have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions. Pretty much everything you need to know is available online.
Alternatively, if you can't find an answer to your question, please contact our customer support team by emailing* us on where we aim to answer any general queries you may have*. All responses will be via email. This includes questions relating to the AML/KYC process.
For enquiries regarding AML / KYC please email*
*Neither of the above email addresses are able to answer specific questions relating to individual loans or the recoveries of funds – all published information on a loan and the recoveries process are contained within the Loan Particulars or via updates released once the sale or refinance is concluded. Replies may take up to 10 working days.
Updates relating to the administration process are available on the Lendy homepage :
Note: Contact via email or online may be recorded/tracked for training and monitoring purposes.